availability status

LAST UPDATED: May 4th, 2024

We struggle to keep this website updated in real time, but do periodically make sure this list of available dogs is current.

Nevertheless, people still contact us only to ask if we are still active, breeding, and whether there are puppies available now or in the future. As they say on Craigslist, if the page is still up, it is still available.

Please do not contact us just to ask this question; we are always extremely busy with the dogs and will not respond to this kind of inquiry when the answer is right here on the website.

If you are seriously interested in ANY dog on this page or the website, please fill out an application. It is impossible to reasonably discuss matching you and the right dog unless we have adequate information in the application to use as a starting point. We do not respond to e-mail inquiries about acquiring a dog unless we have an application.

For those looking for a puppy from an upcoming litter, approval of an application will reserve a prioritized spot on our waiting list.

available dogs

Some of the dogs below have pages with more information. Select links to navigate to more details where available.

planned litters

Many breeders list out their “planned breedings” for the next year or more and sell reservations in the form of deposits, which are often nonrefundable. We feel that approach is a bit of a fantasy.

You never know how the bitches’ heat cycles, stud or semen availability, or any other number of variables are going to come together. So we typically do not provide details here until we have a confirmed pregnancy.

However, since we have moved to a less frequent and limited breeding schedule, and because people are interested in our dogs, and we want to see them in the best possible homes, we would still like to at least foreshadow some of the potentially exciting breedings we have planned

We just completed the second breeding between two first-generation Paragon dogs, and some of these puppies are available now or will be within weeks (see below)

What does this mean and why does this matter?

A breeding program should not be about pairing random dogs, from other kennels, with random results. It should be about making informed, science-based decisions and advancing the breed as a whole. It should be a part of a breeding program with a larger view of successively improving the breed with every generation.

All of our breedings are with health-tested dogs with stable Boerboel temperament, dogs that we know personally because we bred and raised them. We have spent a great deal of time studying the pedigrees, and in many cases have a line-breeding strategy at play that is allowing us to perpetuate the genes of the old working lines. In short, we expect this second generation of Paragon dogs to surpass our first generation.

Bookmark and check this page for confirmed pregnancies. We provide updates in real time as we have news to share.


We still have one young dog available from the breeding with Paragon Bunny x Clover K Bubba. She is a brindle female that is extremely athletic and smart.

We also just completed a co-breeding with Paragon Violet x Paragon Qbert. Unfortunately we do not have photos of the dogs on the website right now. Violet is a beautiful light brown dog with a sable overcoat. Qbert is a young ultrabrindle. There are 9 healthy puppies in this litter, 5 male and 4 female. More than half are ultra-brindle. The pedigrees in play with this breeding are incredible, as are the parents, so we expect special dogs from this litter. We will likely be retaining at least 1 or 2 puppies for our program.

young dogs

  • 1 x brindle male - 1.5 years old

  • 1x brindle male - 2 years old

  • 2x brindle females - 1.5 years old

    BREEDING dogs

    None available at this time.

RETIRed dogs

Dhara is a 5-yeary-old bitch who came to use from South Africa. She is a sweet and confident dog that will make an excellent pet for someone experienced with guardian breeds. She is the mother of Qbert, the ultrabindle mentioned in the puppies available section. More information can be found about her on her linked profile page.

purchase restrictions

We have recently made the decision to no longer sell dogs to people outside of the United States without exception.

pick-up and shipment

Pick-up is available for those who wish to travel, from near or far, to our farm in the greater Seattle metro area. We are 1 hour and 15 minutes from the Seattle airport.

Alternatively, people are often surprised that we can safely ship puppies and dogs to almost anywhere in the United States (sometimes including Alaska); shipment to Hawaii is not possible due to extreme import restrictions. However, since the pandemic and with recent inflation, the cost of ground shipping has increased significantly. But it may still be an option.

Shipment details and fees can only be discussed after you complete an application.

Do not hesitate to apply for a dog, even if you are not local to the Seattle metro area of Washington State. Matching dogs with the right home is the hard part. Getting dogs to their homes is fairly straightforward and there are multiple ways to work around distance within the continental United States.